Four Summer Driving Hazards to Be Aware Of

Summer months may leave the roads clear of ice and snow, but the season brings with it its own challenges and hazards. Travelers Insurance examines different things to be aware of on the road during this time of year.

Hazard Number 1: Summer Construction Brings Increased Traffic

Traffic delays and detours caused by road construction can make traffic snarls worse. It is important for drivers to be patient and alert, and to share the road.  To ensure the highest safety in work zones, drivers should:

  • Either avoid known work zones or anticipate the delay and allow extra time.
  • Find an alternate route or adjust their work schedule to avoid hazards or delays.

Hazard Number 2: Motorcycles on the Move

As the number of motorcycles on the road increases, so does the opportunity for motorcycle crashes.  Drivers should consider the following when sharing the road with motorcycles:

  • Be extra aware: Motorcycles can be difficult to see and can disappear in your blind spot. It can be easy to misjudge a motorcycle’s speed.
  • Look twice to make sure a motorcycle is a safe distance from your vehicle.
  • Follow motorcycles at greater distances, as motorcycles can stop more quickly than automobiles.

Read more Summer safety tips here.

As always, we are here to help.  Call us at (715) 369-1144 if you have any questions.

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