How to Avoid Hitting a Deer

The Autumn months are a gorgeous time in the Northwoods. Most of us will find ourselves on a beautiful fall drive, and on that drive, we’ll probably see many woodland creatures, especially deer.

The rut, or whitetail mating season, moves into high gear from late October through mid-November, and this can be a dangerous time for drivers.  Sometimes hitting a deer is unavoidable, but Geico has some helpful tips on how you can avoid hitting a deer.


Watch for the Rest of the Gang.

Deer are pack animals, and rarely travel alone. If a deer crosses in front of you, chances are there are more nearby. Slow down and keep an eye out for more darting across the road.


Timing is Everything.

Deer are most active at dusk and dawn – periods when your vision is most compromised. To add to their terrible timing, deer are on the move during mating season (late Fall through early Winter) when you’re more likely to travel after the sun sets. Slow down and stay alert, especially after dark.


Use Your Headlights.

First, look for the road signs. The yellow diamonds with deer on it are placed in areas that see a number of deer. You may also spot one because their eyes will brightly reflect a car’s headlights, making them easier to spot.


Click here to read the full article.


If you do hit a deer, don’t worry because we’re here to help! Give us a call at (715) 369-1144.

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