What To Do If You See a Fawn

Summer is a time for exploring, whether that’s on the road, on the water, or on the trail, there is adventure! As you’re enjoying the great outdoors you’re sure to find some wildlife in the Northwoods. But what do you do if you find a white-tailed fawn all alone in the woods? Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources has put together a guide on how to act if you find a fawn alone.

What To Do If You Find a Fawn:

If you find a fawn lying quietly in brush, high grass or even your lawn, the fawn is most likely healthy and safe. If you are concerned, monitor the fawn from a distance. Its mother will return periodically to feed and move it to a new location.

If a fawn is in an unsafe location, such as near a roadway, it’s okay to move the fawn back from the road several yards. Be sure to wear gloves and a facemask to protect the health of the fawn and be sure to consider your own safety when walking near a road. The mother will find the fawn. Although you should avoid touching the fawn unless absolutely necessary, it is a myth that the mother will reject the fawn if it has human scent on it.

If a fawn appears visibly sick or injured, call the DNR or a licensed wildlife rehabilitator for further guidance. Visit the DNR website for contact information for a county near you.

Learn more here.

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